Thursday, 30 June 2016


One of the most amazing things about embracing Yoga is mindfulness - for me that is being present and grateful. I have so, so much to be grateful for when I stop and make myself aware.

I found myself yelling at the TV the other week when Sydney and Melbourne got hit by those awful storms. There was a woman on the news looking at her swimming pool that had been torn from her beachfront backyard and dumped on the shoreline below. The reason I was yelling at the TV was because she was sobbing and saying 'this is the worst possible thing that could happen to anyone'.
I was immediately angry and thought "Walk in my shoes at the moment, at least you could afford a beachfront mansion with a swimming pool in the first place." And then I realised I behaving in a similarly ungracious way.  (side note - I am sure this woman was genuinely distressed and perhaps just worded her comments badly).

I was thinking my life was over and I was in the most terrible place I could be when it was very far from the truth. I instead calmed down and started being mindful of all the things I could be grateful for - even when I felt at my worst.

I have the most beautiful son in the world
I have an abundance of family and friends who love me unconditionally
I have a roof over my head that is not a cardboard box
I live in paradise (the Sunshine Coast)
I have experienced amazing generosity from people who out of the goodness of their hearts have found a way to make my and my sons life just that little bit easier
I have my health - and it's only going to become better
I have access to clean water and healthy food
I am becoming stronger every day because of what I am overcoming

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Beautiful words anna i too am relearning the power of gratitude it feels so good. Thanks for sharing xx

  2. Beautiful words anna i too am relearning the power of gratitude it feels so good. Thanks for sharing xx
