Although it was a really rough start to the morning - I made the mistake of timing the start of the course with moving house so I was up late packing boxes the night before and then, when I finally got to bed, I was too excited to sleep.
I woke up tired, cranky and started an argument with my ex on the phone about something trivial just as I was exiting my car at the studio. I was so distracted I nearly whacked a lady with my car door not once but twice!! Just my luck she was pulling out a yoga mat from her front seat whilst I was mid-rant at my ex on the phone. So it was no surprise to discover I was about to spend the next 6 months studying alongside her - eek! I was unbelievably relieved to find out she was lovely and accepted my apologies and offerings of 'this is exactly why I'm here - to find my zen!!'
The course was amazing - Michael is an incredible, down to Earth and funny teacher. You will be amused to learn that we managed to spend half the day just learning to stand on our own two feet - or Tadasana. A primary focus of Yoga is learning to work our bodies into a relationship to the Earth and it's so interesting to discover how the simple exercise of standing can affect us. It can create feelings of either confidence or insecurity, pleasure and pain, apathy, fight or flight. For a really cool Ted Talk by Amy Cuddy on this subject follow this link: body language
My group or 'Sangha' (likeminded individuals) were all just really warm and lovely people as well - I felt so at home with them. The breaks were such an interesting reflection of the quality of life my new friends are searching for as well. We all sat around chatting and eating healthy, unprocessed food, sipping green tea and there wasn't a cigarette, junk food item or smartphone in sight - the last fact was a real eye opener for me. It made me realise that all of these 19 other people wanted to really be present in the moment and connect with the people around them - so unusual in a world run by technology and social media.
I just felt such confidence that with this group I am going to learn what I am truly hoping to learn from Yoga the most - the art of being present.
I think there will be times when doing the course is going to be very challenging wether physical or mental and my trust in myself may fail. I am, however, reassured that I can expect a supportive network from my Sangha, teachers and Yoga itself.
I love, love, love the encouragement Michael shared with us in the form of a Martin Luther King quote:
"Just take the next step in Faith"
And just so you know I have already been a much calmer version of myself since my hissy-fit Saturday morning. I can totally vouch for myself because moving house usually brings out 'chaotic stress-mess Anna'. But I'm just so darn happy about this new step of faith in my life I can honestly tell you I haven't felt this good in such a very, very long time.

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