Sure I've dabbled in yoga classes and meditation over the years but never really had the patience to commit.
So why now?
I've been through a particularly difficult year in my life. At many times I wondered if at 36 I was having my mid-life crisis a little early. (Side note, if anyone knows what a women's mid-life crisis is supposed to look like please comment below!) I ended a relationship to the man I though I would marry, dissolved a business partnership, went through challenging medical issues with my son, piled on 12kg with the stress and at one stage I was literally couch-surfing and penniless. This all led to some pretty destructive behaviour that really challenged everyone who was in my life to choose to either keep on loving me or walk away.
Some did walk away.
Throughout it all I realised that when you hit rock bottom the only way is up and something really had to change in my life.
My son and I were blessed with so much generosity from friends and family on our journey up. And one particular friend - Mark - who is a life coach, forced me to focus on what my greatest challenge was going to be if I wanted to succeed in life. It was self-worth. Believing that I am worthy of greater things.
I find it easy - perhaps it's the creative within me - to have a thousand thoughts going on in my mind at a single time - I am a self-confessed 'over-thinker'. And the problem with that is that of these thousands of thoughts many of them consist of negatives.
When I remember to just be still and present in my own life it's easier to see the reality of a situation and to see all the things to be grateful for. Not only do I now believe that I am worthy of self-care, but I am worthy of finding more moments of stillness. I am worthy of great physical, mental and spiritual strength.
That is why I have chosen to immerse myself in yoga. And my love for teaching and craving for a new skill set motivated me to sign up to classes in order to become an instructor. I cannot wait to be sharing with others what yoga is already bringing to my life.
I'm studying with Being Yoga and I am so excited for the experience.
I am most defiitely not putting my camera away - I definitely see avenues to have both Yoga and my first love - Photography in my life simultaneously.
Of course it won't all be serious folks - I do love a laugh and trust me there have been some reasons to giggle already.
For example - I have already caused a few polite sniggers among friends confusing the term 'downward dog' with the delicious but extremely unhealthy term 'dagwood dog' could be a long journey friends but I do hope you will come a long for the ride :-)

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